Mural Made by Siwanoy Second Graders
In Social Studies, Siwanoy’s second graders studied communities. In this unit, they learned about the three types of communities- urban, suburban, and rural. The children compared and contrasted the characteristics of each community, such as the types of buildings recreation and transportation. The location of Pelham happens to be the perfect place to make these comparisons, as we are fortunate enough to live right next to one of the most famous urban communities in the world, and we don’t have to travel a great distance to get some of the most beautiful rural communities our country has to offer.
As a culmination activity, students worked with artist, Kim McCormack, to design and construct a three-dimensional community mural made completely from recycled material. This amazing project is on display at the Library by the Carol Place entrance. It is even better in person. The mural will be viewable during Library hours.