Canine Story Time-CANCELED
3:30 pm -
4:30 pm
Please note that Canine Story Time is canceled today, February 6th due to the weather. Freckle will be back next week.
Join Lisa and her furry friend Freckle from The Good Dog Foundation for a special kind of story time. This time, it won’t be adults reading to kids: it will be kids reading to dogs! Young readers ages six and up will be able to sign up for 10-minute sessions, during which they will be able to read to Freckle, Lisa’s adorable canine companion. This will give kids a safe space to get comfortable reading out-loud.
To reserve a spot, join us at the Library on February 6, and see the reference desk to sign up for your 10-minute session. We will start accepting reservations at 3 pm, and no earlier. First come, first served.

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