Escape from Behind Enemy Lines


6:30 pm -
8:00 pm

Veterans Day may not be until November, but we’re observing early with a story of resistance and daring escape.

Join Rick Feingold, as he recounts the story of how his father Lt. Louis Feingold, a B-17 U.S. Army Air Force navigator, escaped Nazi capture. Lt. Louis Feingold flew 21 bombing missions with the United States Air Force during World War II. After his B-17 was attacked by 7 German fighters he was shot down over enemy-occupied France. Feingold’s escape story is told using letters, maps, photos, and the original fake identity cards. This program takes place on Zoom, and registration is required. To register please click here. This program is presented in collaboration with the Greenburgh, Mount Pleasant, and Somers Public Libraries.


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